
Create Connect Change

Create Connect Change finds high-potential entrepreneurs in South African townships who lack the opportunity to globally connect with other like minded entrepeneurs. To address the demand for entrepreneurial skills in South Africa, Create Connect Change was piloted in 2018, an online platform accessible to everyone in South Africa, where it provides a project management tool for development and management of business ideas.


Project Amity aims to combat loneliness amongst the local elderly population by reaching out to people who may suffer from loneliness, and encouraging them to visit local organisations in order build strong friendships to prevent feelings of loneliness. Currently the group are involved in growing vegetables, knitting blankets for the premature baby ward and dance classes. Amity is an opportunity for all Enactus Lancaster students along with other volunteers to give back to our community while also helping to develop resources for the other projects.


TR:ust was an Enactus Lancaster project that empowered survivors of human trafficking in Arad Romania through entrepreneurial action. The project developed a beauty manufacturing business that sold soaps, perfumes and other cosmetic products. This provided the beneficiaries with financial freedom and flexible hours while also having the opportunity to access counselling.

Water Wheel

Water Wheel used the ideas of a bike that produced electricity while cycling but coupled this with a simple but highly effective filtration device. When cycling, the bike not only stored the energy produced from pedalling but also was able to produce electricity while filtering water. The Enactus Lancaster Ghana team sourced renewable materials, such as bamboo, to build the bike while working alongside Enactus Lancaster’s engineers and physicists to integrate the technology within the bike.